Final Project Reflection

Electric solutions for landscaping not only aid in lowing carbon emissions but lowers noise pollution. Being a student I know the struggles of having noisy outside maintenance interrupt classroom activities. To eliminate both problems electric equipment seems to be the best route for UNE to take.

In solving this problem with my oartner and doing outside research I looked to Yale University. This college implemented electric tools and was a good case study to review becuase of the detail that went into their plans and project design. Looking at Yale showed where there would be more difficulties: upfront costs, and having enough charged batteries. Electric tools run off batteries that bneed to be charged every 5 hours, and need to be replaced every 5 years. This was the biggest factor in devolping the project at UNE because upgrades to infastructure woud need to be made such as charging stations.

Looking to goals and objectives, switching the tools 100% over by 2040 to reach UNE’s carbon neutrality goal was the most important to keep in mind. Upgrading and switching the tools over would work best in 5 year increments so that upfront cost are distributed and easier to take on.

Budget was the hardest to work out. Most of it was calculated by hand that took a better part of the day. Money matter though, the cost of a project matters to stakeholders who have investments in the project. Looking at, 9 Elements of a Sustainable Campus by Thomashow investments matter to universities. Universities want the outcome of projects to be beneficial and worth something even if that is not tangible but impacts the students positively.